What people are saying about
Glorious Awakenings
This book will open your eyes to the magnitude of God's love and His ability and power to reach into the depths of our wounded souls. Chris has opened a window into her sufferings that give us a glimpse into the horrors of childhood sexual abuse and the cruel aftermath. But, more than this, she tells of an intimate healing journey with God as He gloriously awakened her to live free from her past. The beautiful, poignant revelations that He gave her of His love and mercy and grace to heal will cause faith to arise in your heart to believe for miracles of your own and for others. I count it all joy to know Chris as a friend and a person who has challenged my own faith to believe with childlike abandon.
- Sandy
As you turn each page of this riveting book, you find your thoughts vacillating between the enormity of the challenges presented and the immense courage it took to face the demons head on. And that would not have been remotely possible without the steady guidance of the Savior’s hand.
- Connie
Reading Chris’ story brought to my mind a picture of comparing the actual acts of abuse to ripples on a still pond. Each instance of abuse causes overlapping waves that lead to rough seas. But just as Jesus calmed the seas for the disciples, He calmed Chris’ emotional rough seas and He can do the same for you.
- Darren
Chris Cline candidly gives an honest look at what often times is taboo in our culture and society. Abuse is more often the norm versus a rarity. She gives a voice to what so many are afraid to share. Her raw and upfront account of this will give others the courage and boldness to step forward to unveil what has been kept hidden. God has and will continue to use her testimony in mighty ways in how she has confidently moved forward despite harrowing circumstances.
- Sharon
Glorious Awakenings will take you through an incredible range of emotions as you read through Chris's story. Whether or not you have experienced sexual abuse, you will be in awe of the work of God documented in this book. The depths of Chris's trauma are continuously met with even deeper and bigger grace. This book is for anyone who wants to know more about the character of Jesus and His "incomparably great power for those who believe."
A raw story of a heart willing to share the honesty of the effects of sexual abuse not just the abuse, but the cycles and warfare many men and women experience long after the actual abuse has ended. Her honest, real-life journey with God gives you an understanding of God’s love for us and his desire for revival in our lives-to touch every area and redeem and restore, in only the way that He can.
- Dusti